Project TND has been rigorously tested across seven research trials and over 100 manuscripts have been published on the program. Below are the Project TND manuscripts that have been published to date, which include primary outcomes, program development, and other relevant manuscripts.

1Sussman, S., Galaif, E.R., Newman, T., Hennesy, M., Pentz, M.A., Dent, C.W., Stacy, A.W., Moss, M., Craig, A., & Simon, T.R. Implementation and process evaluation of a student “school-as-community” group: A component of a school-based drug abuse prevention program. Eval. Rev. 21 (1), 94-123, 1997.
2Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., Stacy, A., & Craig, S. One-year outcomes of Project Towards No Drug Abuse. Prev. Med. 27(4), 632-642, 1998.
3Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Stacy, A. One-year outcomes of Project Towards No Drug Abuse: Erratum. Prev. Med. 27(5), 766, 1998.
4Dent, C.W., Sussman, S., Hennesy, M., Galaif, E.R., Stacy, A.W., Moss, M.A., & Craig, S. Implementation and process evaluation of a school-based drug abuse prevention program: Project Towards No Drug Abuse. J. Drug Educ. 28(4), 361-375, 1998.
5Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Project Towards No Drug Abuse. In: Improving prevention effectiveness (W.B. Hansen, S.M. Giles & M.D. Fearnow-Kenney Eds.). Greensboro, NC: Tanglewood Research, pps. 191-202, 2000.
6Dent, C.W., Sussman, S., & Stacy, A.W. Project Towards No Drug Abuse: Generalizability to a general high school sample. Prev. Med., 32(6), 514-520, 2001.
7Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., Craig, S., Ritt-Olsen, A., & McCuller, W.J. Development and immediate impact of a self-instruction curriculum for an adolescent indicated prevention drug abuse prevention trial. J. Drug Educ, 32(2), 121-137, 2002.
8Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Stacy, S. Project Towards No Drug Abuse: A review of the findings and future directions. Am. J. Health Behav., 26(5), 354-365, 2002.
9Simon, T.R., Sussman, S., Dahlberg, L.L., & Dent, C.W. Influence of a substance abuse prevention curriculum on violence-related behavior. Am. J. Health Behav., 26(2), 103-110, 2002.
10Sussman, S. Project Towards No Drug Abuse. Alternative Network Journal 1 (15), 30-31, 36-37, January, 2003.
11Sussman, S., Sun, P., McCuller, W.J., & Dent, C.W. Project Towards No Drug Abuse: two-year outcomes of a trial that compares health educator delivery to self-instruction. Prev. Med. 37, 155-162, 2003.
12Sussman, S., Rohrbach, L., Patel, R., & Holiday, K. A look at an interactive classroom-based drug abuse prevention program: Interactive contents and suggestions for research. J. Drug Educ., 33(4), 355-368, 2003.
13Sussman, S. Rorhbach, L., & Mihalic, S. Blueprints for violence prevention. Book Twelve: Project Towards No Drug Abuse. Boulder, CO: Institute of Behavioral Science, Regents of the University of Colorado, 2004
14Skara, S., Rohrbach, L.A., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. An evaluation of the fidelity of implementation of a school-based drug abuse prevention program: Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) Journal of Drug Education, 35(4), 305-329, 2005.
15Sun, W., Skara, S., Sun, P., Dent, C.W., & Sussman, S. Project Towards No Drug Abuse: Long-term substance use outcomes evaluation. Prev. Med., 42, 188-192, 2006.
16Rohrbach, L.A., Dent, C.W., Skara, S., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. Fidelity of implementation in Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND): A comparison of classroom teachers and program specialists Prev. Sci., 8(2), 125-132, 2007.
17Valente, T.W., Okamoto, J., Pumpuang, P., Okatmoto, P., & Sussman, S. Differences in perceived implementation of a standard versus peer-led interactive substance abuse prevention program. Am J. Health Behav., 31(3), 297-311, 2007.
18Valente, T.W., Ritt-Olson, A., Stacy, A., Unger, J.B., Okamoto, J., & Sussman, S. Peer acceleration: Effects of a social network tailored substance abuse prevention program among high risk adolescents. Addiction, 102(11), 1804-1815, 2007.
19Sun, P., Sussman, S., Dent, C., & Rohrbach, L.A. One year follow-up evaluation of Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND-4) Prev. Med. 47, 438-442, 2008.
20Rohrbach, L.A., Gunning, M., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. The Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) dissemination trial: Implementation fidelity and immediate outcomes. Prev. Sci, 11(1), 77-88, 2010.
21Rohrbach, L.A., Gunning, M., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. Erratum to: The Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) dissemination trial: Implementation fidelity and immediate outcomes. Prev. Sci, 11(1), 113, 2010 (Erratum).
22Rohrbach, L.A., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. One-year follow-up evaluation of the Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) dissemination trial. Prev. Med. 51(4), 313-319, 2010.
23Sussman, S., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L., & Spruijt-Metz, D. One-year outcomes of a drug abuse prevention program for older teens and emerging adults: Evaluating a motivational interviewing booster component. Health Psychology, 31(4), 476-485, 2012.
24Lisha, N.E., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., Spruijt-Metz, D., Unger, J.B., & Sussman, S. An evaluation of immediate outcomes and fidelity of a drug abuse prevention program in continuation high schools: Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND). J. Drug Educ. 42(1), 33-57, 2012
25Barnett, E., Spruijit-Metz, D., Unger, J.B., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sussman, S. Boosting a teen substance use prevention program with Motivational Interviewing. Substance Use & Misuse 47(4), 418-428, 2012.
26Little, M.A., Sussman, S., Sun, P., & Rohrbach, L.A. The effects of implementation fidelity in the Towards No Drug Abuse dissemination trial. Health Education, 113(4), 2013, 281-296, 2013.
27Barnett, E., Moyers, T.B., Sussman, S., Smith, C., Rohrbach, L.A., Sun, P., & Spruijt-Metz, D. From counselor skill to decreased marijuana use: Does change talk matter? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 46(4), 498-505, 2014.
28Sussman, S., Valente, T.W., Rohrbach, L.A., Dent, C.W., & Sun, P. Commenary-Project Towards No Drug Abuse: An evidence-based drug abuse prevention program. Journal of Primary Prevention 35(4) 233-237, 2014.
29Sussman, S., Arriaza, B., & Grigsby, T. Alcohol, tobacco and drug misuse (ATOD) prevention and cessation programming for alternative high school youth: A review. Journal of School Health 84(11), 738-758, 2014.
30Barnett, E., Spruijt-Metz, D., Moyers, T.B., Smith, C., Rohrbach, L.A., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. Bi-directional relationships between client and counselor speech: The importance of reframing Psychol. Addict. Behav. (in press; published online 6-23-2014).
31Sussman, S. Evaluating the Efficacy of Project TND: Evidence from Seven Research Trials. In: Scheier, L. M. (2015) (Ed.). Handbook of Adolescent Drug Use Prevention: Research, Intervention Strategies, and Practice. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, Chapter 9, 2015.

1Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., Simon, T.R., Stacy, A.W., Galaif, E.R., Moss, M.A., Craig, S., & Johnson, C.A. Immediate impact of social influence-oriented substance abuse prevention curricula in traditional and continuation high schools. Drugs and Society. 8 (3-4), 65-81, 1995.
2Sussman, S., Stacy, A.W., Dent, C.W., Simon, T.R., Galaif, E.R., Moss, M.A., Craig, S., & Johnson, C.A. Continuation high schools: Youth at risk for drug abuse. J. Drug Educ. 25 (3), 191-209, 1995
3Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., Simon, T.R., Stacy, A.W., Galaif, E.R., Moss, M.A., Craig, S., & Johnson, C.A. Immediate impact of social influence-oriented substance abuse prevention curricula in traditional and continuation high schools. In: Drug Prevention: Research and Practice (C.G. Leukefeld Ed.). New York: The Haworth Press, pps. 65-81, 1995.
4Dent, C.W., Galaif, E.R., Sussman, S., & Stacy, A.W. Use of the “theme study” as a means of curriculum development in continuation high schools. J. Drug Educ. 26 (4), 377-393, 1996.
5Sussman, S. Development of a school-based drug abuse prevention curriculum for high-risk youths. J. Psychoactive Drugs 28 (2), 169-182, 1996. (Article placed on by CNS Productions, 1/2000).
6Sussman, S., Craig, S., Simon, T.R., & Galaif, E.R. School-as-community activity selection at continuation high schools. Substance Use & Misuse 32 (2), 115-131, 1997.
7Sussman, S., Simon, T.R., Dent, C.W., Stacy, A.W., Galaif, E.R., Moss, M.A., Craig, S., & Johnson, C.A. Immediate impact of thirty-two drug use prevention activities among students at continuation high schools. Substance Use & Misuse 32 (3), 267-283, 1997
8Dent, C.W., Sussman, S., & Stacy, A. The impact of a written parental consent policy on estimates from a school-based drug use survey. Eval. Rev. 21(6),698-712,1997.
9McCuller, W.J., Sussman, S., Holiday, K., Craig, S., & Dent, C.W. Tracking procedures for locating high-risk youth. Eval. Health Prof., 25(3), 345-362, 2002.
10Sussman, S., McCuller, W.J., & Dent, C.W. The associations of social self-control, personality disorders, and demographics with drug use among high risk youth. Addictive Behav., 28, 1159-1166, 2003.
11Sussman, S., Yang, D., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., & Dent, C.W. Drug abuse prevention program development: Results among Latino and white adolescents. Eval. Health Prof. 26(4), 355-379, 2003.
12Sussman, S., Earleywine, M., Wills, T., Cody, C., Biglan, T., Dent, C.W., & Newcomb, M.D. The motivation, skills, and decision-making model of “drug abuse”? prevention. Substance Use & Misuse, 39(10-12), 1971-2016, 2004.
13Sun, P., Unger, J.B., & Sussman, S. A new measure of the stages of smoking initiation and progression among adolescents. Am .J. Health Behav., 29(1), 3-11, 2005.
14Sussman, S. Cognitive misperceptions as determinants of drug misuse. Salud y Drogas, 5(1), 3-25, 2005.
15Sussman, S., Skara, S., & Pumpuang, P. Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND): A needs assessment of a social service referral telephone program for high risk youth. In: J.A. Elsworth (Ed.), Psychology of decision making in education, behavior, and high risk situations. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Chapter 5, pps. 125-142, 2007.
16Sussman, S., Skara, S. & Pumpuang, P. Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND): A needs assessment of a social service referral telephone program for high risk youth. Substance Use & Misuse 43 (14), 2066-2073, 2008.
17Sussman, S., Skara, S. & Pumpuang, P. Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND): A needs assessment of a social service referral telephone program for high risk youth. Substance Use & Misuse 43 (14), 2066-2073, 2008.
18Ames, S.L., Krank, M., Grenard, J.L., Sussman, S., & Stacy, A.W. Prevention education effects on fundamental memory processes. Eval Health Prof. 35(4), 416-439, 2012.

Kwan, P.P., Sussman, S. & Valente, T. W. Peer leaders and substance use among high-risk adolescents. Subst Use Misuse. 50(3), 283-91, 2015.
2Lisha, N.E., Leventhal, A.M., Rohrbach, L., Spruijt-Metz, D., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. The relationship of emerging adulthood trajectories to drug use, and other correlates. Salud Drogas. 15(2), 91-102, 2015.
3Sussman, S., & Stacy, A.W. Five methods of assessing school-level daily use of cigarettes and alcohol by adolescents at continuation high schools. Eval. Rev. 18 (6), 741-755, 1994.
4Simon, T.R., Stacy, A.W., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Sensation seeking and drug use among high risk Latino and Anglo adolescents.Per. Ind. Diff. 17(5), 1083-1090, 1994.
5Stacy, A.W., Galaif, E.R., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Self-generated drug outcomes in high-risk adolescents. Psychol. Addict. Behav. 10 (1), 18-27, 1996.
6Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. The correlates of addiction concern among adolescents at high risk for drug abuse. J. Substance Abuse 8 (3), 361-370, 1996.
7Stacy, A.W., Ames, S.L., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Implicit cognition in adolescent drug use. Psychol. Addict. Behav. 10 (3), 190-203, 1996.
8Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Stacy, A.W. The relations of pro-drug-use myths with self-reported drug use among youth at continuation high schools. J. Appl. Soc. Psychol. 26 (22), 2014-2037, 1996.
9Sussman, S., Stacy, A.W., Dent, C.W., Simon, T.R., & Johnson, C.A. Marijuana use: Current issues and new research directions. J. Drug Issues 26 (4) 693-726, 1996.
10Sussman, S., Simon, T.R., Glynn, S., & Stacy, A.W. What does “high risk” mean?: A psycINFO scan of the literature. Behav. Ther. 27, 53-65, 1996.
11Simon, T.R., Dent, C.W., Sussman, S. Vulnerability to victimization, concurrent problem behaviors, and peer influence as predictors of in-school weapon carrying among high school students. Violence and Victims 12 (3), 277-289, 1997.
12Sussman, S., Dent, C. W., & Galaif, E.R. The correlates of substance abuse and dependence among adolescents at high risk for drug abuse. J. Substance Abuse 9,241-255, 1997.
13Galaif, E.R., Chou, C., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Depression, suicidal ideation, and substance use among continuation high school students. J. Youth Adol. 27(3),275-299,1998.
14Sussman, S., Stacy, A.W., Ames, S.L., & Freedman, L.B. Self-reported high-risk locations of adolescent drug use. Addict. Behav. 23(3),405-411,1998.
15Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., Severson, H.H., Burton, D., & Flay, B.R. Self-initiated quitting among adolescent smokers. Prev. Med. 27, A19-A28, 1998.
16Ames, S.L., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Pro-drug-use myths and competing constructs in the prediction of substance use among youth at continuation high schools: A one-year prospective study. Per. Ind. Diff. 26, 987-1003, 1999.
17Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. One-year prospective prediction of marijuana use cessation among youth at continuation high schools. Addict. Beh. 24(3), 411-417, 1999.
18Sussman, S., Simon, T.R., Dent, C.W., Steinberg, J.M., & Stacy, A.W. One-year prospective prediction of violence perpetration among high risk youth. Am J. Health Behav. 23(5), 332-344, 1999.
19Sussman, S., Simon, T.R., Stacy, A.W., Dent, C.W., Ritt, A., Kipke, M.D., Montgomery, S.B., Burton, D., & Flay, B.R. The association of group self-identification and adolescent drug use in three samples varying in risk. J. Appl. Soc. Psychol. 29(8), 1555-1581, 1999.
20Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Stacy, A.W. The association of current stimulant use with demographic, substance use, violence-related, social and intra-personal variables among high risk youth. Addict. Beh. 24(6), 741-748, 1999. (Appeared in special yearly issue, ?The Annual review of Addictions Treatment and Research.?)
21Weiner, M.D., Sussman, S., McCuller, W.J., & Lichtman, K. Factors in marijuana cessation among high-risk youth. J. Drug Educ. 29(4), 337-357, 1999.
22Milam, J.E., Sussman, S., Ritt-Olson, A., & Dent, C.W. Perceived invulnerability and cigarette smoking among adolescents. Addict. Beh. 25(1), 71-80, 2000.
23Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. One-year prospective prediction of drug use from stress-related variables. Substance Use & Misuse 35(5), 717-735, 2000.
24Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & McCuller, W.J. Group self-identification as a prospective predictor of drug use and violence in high-risk youth. Psych. Addict. Beh. 14(2), 192-196, 2000.
25Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Leu, L. The one-year prospective prediction of substance abuse and dependence among high-risk adolescents. J. Substance Abuse, 12, 373-386, 2000
26McCuller, W.J., Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Teran, L. Concurrent prediction of drug use among high risk youth. Addict. Beh. 26(1), 137-142, 2001.
27Skara, S.N., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Predicting regular cigarette use among continuation high school students. Am. J. Health Behav. 25(2), 147-156, 2001.
28Sussman, S. School-based tobacco use prevention and cessation: Where are we going? Am J. Health Behav. 25(3), 191-199, 2001.
29Sussman, S., & Ames, S.L. The social psychology of drug abuse. Buckingham, GB: Open University Press, 2001.
30Sussman, S., & Craig, S., & Moss, M.A. Project TND-Towards No Drug Abuse-Teacher?s Manual. Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California, 2002
31Galaif, E.R., Sussman, S., Chou, C-P, & Wills, T.A. Longitudinal relations among depression, stress, and coping in high risk youth. J. Youth Adolesc. 32(4), 243-258, 2003.
32Unger, J.B., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Interpersonal conflict tactics and substance use among high-risk adolescents. Addict. Behav., 28, 979-987, 2003.
33Skara, S.N., & Sussman, S. A review of 25 long-term adolescent tobacco and other drug use prevention program evaluations. Prev. Med. 37, 451-474, 2003.
34Sussman, S., Unger, J.B., & Dent, C.W. Peer group self-identification among alternative high school youth: A predictor of psychosocial functioning five years later. Revista Internacional de Psicologia Clinica y de la Salud/International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 4(1), 9-25, 2004.
35Sussman, S., Skara, S.N., Weiner, M.D., & Dent, C.W. Prediction of violence perpetration among high-risk youth. Am J. Health Behav. 28(2), 134-144, 2004.
36Ritt-Olson, A., Milam, J., Unger, J.B., Trinidad, D., Teran, L., Dent, C.W., & Sussman, S. Protective influence of spirituality and health-as-a-value against monthly substance use among adolescents varying in risk. J. Adolesc. Health. 34(4), 192-199, 2004
37Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Five-year prospective prediction of marijuana use cessation among youth at continuation high schools. Addict Behav. 29, 1237-1243, 2004.
38Sussman, S., Rohrbach, L., Skara, S., & Dent, C.W. Prospective prediction of alternative high school graduation status at emerging adulthood. J. Applied Soc. Psychol., 34(12), 2452-2468, 2004.
39Sussman, S., Skara, S., de Calice, P., Hoffman, B., and Dent, C.W. Spirituality as a 1-year prospective predictor of violence perpetration and drug use among youth at continuation high schools. J. Applied Soc. Psychol., 35(1), 80-99, 2005.
40Ames, S.L., Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Stacy, A.W. Implicit cognition and dissociative experiences as predictors of adolescent substance use. American Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 31(1), 129-162, 2005.
41Weiner, M.D., Sussman, S., Sun, P., & Dent, C.W. Explaining the link between violence perpetration, victimization and drug use. Addictive Behaviors, 30(6), 1261-1266, 2005.
42Rohrbach, L.A., Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Sun, P. Tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use among high-risk young people:  A five-year longitudinal study from adolescence to emerging adulthood. J. Drug Issues, 35(2), 333-356, 2005.
43Sussman, S., Skara, S., Rodriguez, Y., & Pokhrel, P. Non drug use- and drug use-specific spirituality as one-year predictors of drug use among high risk youth. Substance Use & Misuse, 41(13), 1801-1816, 2006.
44Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Five-year prospective prediction of self-initiated quitting of cigarette smoking of high-risk youth. Addict. Behav., 32, 1094-1098, 2007.
45Ames, S.L., Grenard, J.L., Thrush, C., Sussman, S., Wiers, R.W., & Stacy, A.W. Comparison of indirect assessments of association as predictors of marijuana use among at-risk adolescents. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 15(2), 204-218, 2007.
46Sussman, S. Pokhrel, P., Ashmore, R.D., & Brown, B.B. Adolescent peer group identification and characteristics: A review of the literature. Addict. Behav., 32, 1602-1627, 2007.
47Pokhrel, P., Sussman, S., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sun, P. Prospective associations of social self-control and demographics with drug use among youth from regular and alternative high schools. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2(22), 2007.
48Skara, S., Pokhrel, P., Weiner, M.D., Sun, P., Dent, C.W., & Sussman, S. Physical and relational aggression as predictors of drug use: Gender differences among high school students Addict Behav. 33, 1507-1515, 2008.
49Sussman, S., Skara, S., & Ames, S.L. Substance abuse among adolescents Substance Use & Misuse 43 (12/13), 1802-1828, 2008
50Sussman, S., & Ames, S.L. Drug abuse: Concepts, prevention and cessation. New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
51Myers, R., Chou, C.P., Sussman, S., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Pachon, H., & Valente, T.W. Acculturation and substance use: Social influence as a mediator among Hispanic alternative high school youth. J. Health Social Behav. 50(2), 164-179, 2009.
52Rohrbach, L.A., Grana, R., Vernberg, E., Sussman, S., & Sun, P. Impact of Hurricane Rita on adolescent substance use. Psychiat: Intraper. Biol. Processes. 72(3), 222-237, 2009.
53Sussman, S. Cognitive misperceptions and drug misuse. In: L.M. Scheier (Ed.), Handbook of drug use etiology: Theory, methods, and empirical findings. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, (Chapter 33). pps. 617-629, 2009.
54Black, D.S., Grenard, J., Sussman, S., & Rohrbach, L.A. The influence of school-based natural mentoring relationships on school attachment and subsequent adolescent risk behaviors. Health Educ. Res.. 25(5), 892-902, 2010.
55Black, D.S., Sussman, S., Unger, J.B., Pokhrel, P., & Sun, P. The role of private and public body consciousness in high-risk adolescent substance use. Substance Use & Misuse 45(10) 1623-1635, 2010.
56Grana, R., A., Black, D., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., Gunning, M., & Sussman, S. School disrepair and substance use among regular and alternative high school students. J. School Health, 80(8), 387-393, 2010.
57Pokhrel, P., Sussman, S., Black, D.S., & Sun, P. Peer group self-identification as a one-year prospective predictor of relational aggression, physical aggression, and physical victimization among adolescents. J. School Health, 80(5), 249-258, 2010.
58Sussman, S. A review of Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous programs for teens. Eval Health Prof., 33(1), 26-55, 2010.
59Sussman, S. Emerging adulthood and substance abuse. In L.V. Berhardt (Ed.), Advances in medicine and biology, Volume 6. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (Chapter 8), pps. 221-232, 2010.
60Rohrbach, L.A., Gunning, M., Grana, R., Gunning, G., & Sussman, S. Dissemination of Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) to scale: Findings from a study of program adopters. Substance Use & Misuse 45(14), 2551-2566, 2010.
61Black, D.S., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sussman, S. Decision-making style and gender moderation of the self-efficacy–condom use link among adolescents and young adults: Informing targeted STI/HIV prevention programs. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Med. 165(4), 320-325, 2011.
62Sussman, S. Preventing and treating substance abuse among adolescents. The Prevention Researcher, 18(2), 3-7, 2011.
63Barnett, E., Sussman, S., Smith, C. Rohrbach, L.A., and Spruijt-Metz, D. Motivational Interviewing for adolescent substance use: A review of the literature. Addictive Behaviors, 37(12), 1325-1334, 2012.
64Sussman, S., Rohrbach, L.A., Spruijt-Metz, D., Barnett, E., Lisha, N., & Sun, P. One-year prediction of pain killer use among at-risk older teens and emerging adults. J. of Drug Educ., 42(2), 195-210, 2012
65Sun, P., Johnson, C.A., Palmer, P., Xie, B., Arpawong, T.E., Unger, J., Rohrbach, L.A., -Spruijt-Metz, D., & Sussman, S. Concurrent and Predictive Relationships Between Compulsive Internet Use and Substance Use: Findings from Vocational High School Students in China and the USA. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9(3), 660-673, 2012.
66Sussman, S., Arpawong, T., Sun, P., Spruijt-Metz, D., & Rohrbach, L.A. Prevalence and co-occurrence of addiction among former alternative high school youth. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2(Suppl), 32-33, 2013.
67Barnett, L., Spruijt-Metz, D., Unger, J.B., Rohrbach, L.A., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. Bidirectional associations between future time perspective and substance use among continuation high-school students. Substance Use & Misuse, 48(8), 574-580, 2013.
68Pokhrel, P., Herzog, TA.., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sussman, S. Acculturation, social self-control, and substance use among Hispanic adolescents. Psychol. Addict. Behav. 27(3), 674-686, 2013.
69Sussman, S. A lifespan developmental-stage approach to tobacco and other drug abuse prevention. ISRN-Addiction, 2013, 19 pages, 2013.
70Little, M.A., Spruijt-Metz, D., Pokrhel, P., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sussman, S. Predicting self-initiated marijuana use cessation among youth at continuation high schools. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 4, Article 69, 7 pages, 2013.
71Pokhrel, P., Sussman, S., & Stacy, A.W. Relative effects of social self-control, sensation seeking, and impulsivity on future cigarette use in a sample of high-risk adolescents. Substance Use & Misuse, 49(4), 343-351, 2014.
72Sussman, S., Arpawong, T., Sun, P., Tsai, J., Rohrbach, L.A., & Spruijt-Metz, D. Prevalence and co-occurrence of addictive behaviors among former alternative high school youth. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 3(1), 33-40, 2014.
73Lisha, N.E., Grana, R., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., Spruijt-Metz, D., Reifman, A., & Sussman, S. Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood in a sample of continuation high school students. Eval. Health Prof., 37(2), 156-177, 2014.
74Sussman, S., Pokhrel, P., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Spruijt-Metz, D. Prevalence and co-occurrence of addictive behaviors among former alternative high school youth: A longitudinal follow-up study. J. Behavioral Addictions, 4, 39-40, 2015.
75Arpawong, T.E., Sussman, S., Milam, J.E., Unger, J.B., Land, H., Sun, P., & Rohrbach, L.A. Post-traumatic growth, stressful life events, and relationship with substance use behaviors among Alternative high school students: A prospective study. Psychology & Health, 30(4), 475-494, 2015.
76Nguyen-Rodriguez, S.T., Lisha, N.E., Spruijt-Metz, D., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sussman, S. Coping mediates the effects of depressive symptoms on sleep problems. Am. J. Health Behav. 39(2), 183-190, 2015.