1 | Kwan, P.P., Sussman, S. & Valente, T. W. Peer leaders and substance use among high-risk adolescents. Subst Use Misuse. 50(3), 283-91, 2015. |
2 | Lisha, N.E., Leventhal, A.M., Rohrbach, L., Spruijt-Metz, D., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. The relationship of emerging adulthood trajectories to drug use, and other correlates. Salud Drogas. 15(2), 91-102, 2015. |
3 | Sussman, S., & Stacy, A.W. Five methods of assessing school-level daily use of cigarettes and alcohol by adolescents at continuation high schools. Eval. Rev. 18 (6), 741-755, 1994. |
4 | Simon, T.R., Stacy, A.W., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Sensation seeking and drug use among high risk Latino and Anglo adolescents.Per. Ind. Diff. 17(5), 1083-1090, 1994. |
5 | Stacy, A.W., Galaif, E.R., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Self-generated drug outcomes in high-risk adolescents. Psychol. Addict. Behav. 10 (1), 18-27, 1996. |
6 | Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. The correlates of addiction concern among adolescents at high risk for drug abuse. J. Substance Abuse 8 (3), 361-370, 1996. |
7 | Stacy, A.W., Ames, S.L., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Implicit cognition in adolescent drug use. Psychol. Addict. Behav. 10 (3), 190-203, 1996. |
8 | Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Stacy, A.W. The relations of pro-drug-use myths with self-reported drug use among youth at continuation high schools. J. Appl. Soc. Psychol. 26 (22), 2014-2037, 1996. |
9 | Sussman, S., Stacy, A.W., Dent, C.W., Simon, T.R., & Johnson, C.A. Marijuana use: Current issues and new research directions. J. Drug Issues 26 (4) 693-726, 1996. |
10 | Sussman, S., Simon, T.R., Glynn, S., & Stacy, A.W. What does “high risk” mean?: A psycINFO scan of the literature. Behav. Ther. 27, 53-65, 1996. |
11 | Simon, T.R., Dent, C.W., Sussman, S. Vulnerability to victimization, concurrent problem behaviors, and peer influence as predictors of in-school weapon carrying among high school students. Violence and Victims 12 (3), 277-289, 1997. |
12 | Sussman, S., Dent, C. W., & Galaif, E.R. The correlates of substance abuse and dependence among adolescents at high risk for drug abuse. J. Substance Abuse 9,241-255, 1997. |
13 | Galaif, E.R., Chou, C., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Depression, suicidal ideation, and substance use among continuation high school students. J. Youth Adol. 27(3),275-299,1998. |
14 | Sussman, S., Stacy, A.W., Ames, S.L., & Freedman, L.B. Self-reported high-risk locations of adolescent drug use. Addict. Behav. 23(3),405-411,1998. |
15 | Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., Severson, H.H., Burton, D., & Flay, B.R. Self-initiated quitting among adolescent smokers. Prev. Med. 27, A19-A28, 1998. |
16 | Ames, S.L., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Pro-drug-use myths and competing constructs in the prediction of substance use among youth at continuation high schools: A one-year prospective study. Per. Ind. Diff. 26, 987-1003, 1999. |
17 | Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. One-year prospective prediction of marijuana use cessation among youth at continuation high schools. Addict. Beh. 24(3), 411-417, 1999. |
18 | Sussman, S., Simon, T.R., Dent, C.W., Steinberg, J.M., & Stacy, A.W. One-year prospective prediction of violence perpetration among high risk youth. Am J. Health Behav. 23(5), 332-344, 1999. |
19 | Sussman, S., Simon, T.R., Stacy, A.W., Dent, C.W., Ritt, A., Kipke, M.D., Montgomery, S.B., Burton, D., & Flay, B.R. The association of group self-identification and adolescent drug use in three samples varying in risk. J. Appl. Soc. Psychol. 29(8), 1555-1581, 1999. |
20 | Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Stacy, A.W. The association of current stimulant use with demographic, substance use, violence-related, social and intra-personal variables among high risk youth. Addict. Beh. 24(6), 741-748, 1999. (Appeared in special yearly issue, ?The Annual review of Addictions Treatment and Research.?) |
21 | Weiner, M.D., Sussman, S., McCuller, W.J., & Lichtman, K. Factors in marijuana cessation among high-risk youth. J. Drug Educ. 29(4), 337-357, 1999. |
22 | Milam, J.E., Sussman, S., Ritt-Olson, A., & Dent, C.W. Perceived invulnerability and cigarette smoking among adolescents. Addict. Beh. 25(1), 71-80, 2000. |
23 | Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. One-year prospective prediction of drug use from stress-related variables. Substance Use & Misuse 35(5), 717-735, 2000. |
24 | Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & McCuller, W.J. Group self-identification as a prospective predictor of drug use and violence in high-risk youth. Psych. Addict. Beh. 14(2), 192-196, 2000. |
25 | Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Leu, L. The one-year prospective prediction of substance abuse and dependence among high-risk adolescents. J. Substance Abuse, 12, 373-386, 2000 |
26 | McCuller, W.J., Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Teran, L. Concurrent prediction of drug use among high risk youth. Addict. Beh. 26(1), 137-142, 2001. |
27 | Skara, S.N., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Predicting regular cigarette use among continuation high school students. Am. J. Health Behav. 25(2), 147-156, 2001. |
28 | Sussman, S. School-based tobacco use prevention and cessation: Where are we going? Am J. Health Behav. 25(3), 191-199, 2001. |
29 | Sussman, S., & Ames, S.L. The social psychology of drug abuse. Buckingham, GB: Open University Press, 2001. |
30 | Sussman, S., & Craig, S., & Moss, M.A. Project TND-Towards No Drug Abuse-Teacher?s Manual. Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California, 2002 |
31 | Galaif, E.R., Sussman, S., Chou, C-P, & Wills, T.A. Longitudinal relations among depression, stress, and coping in high risk youth. J. Youth Adolesc. 32(4), 243-258, 2003. |
32 | Unger, J.B., Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Interpersonal conflict tactics and substance use among high-risk adolescents. Addict. Behav., 28, 979-987, 2003. |
33 | Skara, S.N., & Sussman, S. A review of 25 long-term adolescent tobacco and other drug use prevention program evaluations. Prev. Med. 37, 451-474, 2003. |
34 | Sussman, S., Unger, J.B., & Dent, C.W. Peer group self-identification among alternative high school youth: A predictor of psychosocial functioning five years later. Revista Internacional de Psicologia Clinica y de la Salud/International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 4(1), 9-25, 2004. |
35 | Sussman, S., Skara, S.N., Weiner, M.D., & Dent, C.W. Prediction of violence perpetration among high-risk youth. Am J. Health Behav. 28(2), 134-144, 2004. |
36 | Ritt-Olson, A., Milam, J., Unger, J.B., Trinidad, D., Teran, L., Dent, C.W., & Sussman, S. Protective influence of spirituality and health-as-a-value against monthly substance use among adolescents varying in risk. J. Adolesc. Health. 34(4), 192-199, 2004 |
37 | Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Five-year prospective prediction of marijuana use cessation among youth at continuation high schools. Addict Behav. 29, 1237-1243, 2004. |
38 | Sussman, S., Rohrbach, L., Skara, S., & Dent, C.W. Prospective prediction of alternative high school graduation status at emerging adulthood. J. Applied Soc. Psychol., 34(12), 2452-2468, 2004. |
39 | Sussman, S., Skara, S., de Calice, P., Hoffman, B., and Dent, C.W. Spirituality as a 1-year prospective predictor of violence perpetration and drug use among youth at continuation high schools. J. Applied Soc. Psychol., 35(1), 80-99, 2005. |
40 | Ames, S.L., Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Stacy, A.W. Implicit cognition and dissociative experiences as predictors of adolescent substance use. American Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 31(1), 129-162, 2005. |
41 | Weiner, M.D., Sussman, S., Sun, P., & Dent, C.W. Explaining the link between violence perpetration, victimization and drug use. Addictive Behaviors, 30(6), 1261-1266, 2005. |
42 | Rohrbach, L.A., Sussman, S., Dent, C.W., & Sun, P. Tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use among high-risk young people: A five-year longitudinal study from adolescence to emerging adulthood. J. Drug Issues, 35(2), 333-356, 2005. |
43 | Sussman, S., Skara, S., Rodriguez, Y., & Pokhrel, P. Non drug use- and drug use-specific spirituality as one-year predictors of drug use among high risk youth. Substance Use & Misuse, 41(13), 1801-1816, 2006. |
44 | Sussman, S., & Dent, C.W. Five-year prospective prediction of self-initiated quitting of cigarette smoking of high-risk youth. Addict. Behav., 32, 1094-1098, 2007. |
45 | Ames, S.L., Grenard, J.L., Thrush, C., Sussman, S., Wiers, R.W., & Stacy, A.W. Comparison of indirect assessments of association as predictors of marijuana use among at-risk adolescents. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 15(2), 204-218, 2007. |
46 | Sussman, S. Pokhrel, P., Ashmore, R.D., & Brown, B.B. Adolescent peer group identification and characteristics: A review of the literature. Addict. Behav., 32, 1602-1627, 2007. |
47 | Pokhrel, P., Sussman, S., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sun, P. Prospective associations of social self-control and demographics with drug use among youth from regular and alternative high schools. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2(22), 2007. |
48 | Skara, S., Pokhrel, P., Weiner, M.D., Sun, P., Dent, C.W., & Sussman, S. Physical and relational aggression as predictors of drug use: Gender differences among high school students Addict Behav. 33, 1507-1515, 2008. |
49 | Sussman, S., Skara, S., & Ames, S.L. Substance abuse among adolescents Substance Use & Misuse 43 (12/13), 1802-1828, 2008 |
50 | Sussman, S., & Ames, S.L. Drug abuse: Concepts, prevention and cessation. New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 2008. |
51 | Myers, R., Chou, C.P., Sussman, S., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Pachon, H., & Valente, T.W. Acculturation and substance use: Social influence as a mediator among Hispanic alternative high school youth. J. Health Social Behav. 50(2), 164-179, 2009. |
52 | Rohrbach, L.A., Grana, R., Vernberg, E., Sussman, S., & Sun, P. Impact of Hurricane Rita on adolescent substance use. Psychiat: Intraper. Biol. Processes. 72(3), 222-237, 2009. |
53 | Sussman, S. Cognitive misperceptions and drug misuse. In: L.M. Scheier (Ed.), Handbook of drug use etiology: Theory, methods, and empirical findings. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, (Chapter 33). pps. 617-629, 2009. |
54 | Black, D.S., Grenard, J., Sussman, S., & Rohrbach, L.A. The influence of school-based natural mentoring relationships on school attachment and subsequent adolescent risk behaviors. Health Educ. Res.. 25(5), 892-902, 2010. |
55 | Black, D.S., Sussman, S., Unger, J.B., Pokhrel, P., & Sun, P. The role of private and public body consciousness in high-risk adolescent substance use. Substance Use & Misuse 45(10) 1623-1635, 2010. |
56 | Grana, R., A., Black, D., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., Gunning, M., & Sussman, S. School disrepair and substance use among regular and alternative high school students. J. School Health, 80(8), 387-393, 2010. |
57 | Pokhrel, P., Sussman, S., Black, D.S., & Sun, P. Peer group self-identification as a one-year prospective predictor of relational aggression, physical aggression, and physical victimization among adolescents. J. School Health, 80(5), 249-258, 2010. |
58 | Sussman, S. A review of Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous programs for teens. Eval Health Prof., 33(1), 26-55, 2010. |
59 | Sussman, S. Emerging adulthood and substance abuse. In L.V. Berhardt (Ed.), Advances in medicine and biology, Volume 6. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (Chapter 8), pps. 221-232, 2010. |
60 | Rohrbach, L.A., Gunning, M., Grana, R., Gunning, G., & Sussman, S. Dissemination of Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) to scale: Findings from a study of program adopters. Substance Use & Misuse 45(14), 2551-2566, 2010. |
61 | Black, D.S., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sussman, S. Decision-making style and gender moderation of the self-efficacy–condom use link among adolescents and young adults: Informing targeted STI/HIV prevention programs. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Med. 165(4), 320-325, 2011. |
62 | Sussman, S. Preventing and treating substance abuse among adolescents. The Prevention Researcher, 18(2), 3-7, 2011. |
63 | Barnett, E., Sussman, S., Smith, C. Rohrbach, L.A., and Spruijt-Metz, D. Motivational Interviewing for adolescent substance use: A review of the literature. Addictive Behaviors, 37(12), 1325-1334, 2012. |
64 | Sussman, S., Rohrbach, L.A., Spruijt-Metz, D., Barnett, E., Lisha, N., & Sun, P. One-year prediction of pain killer use among at-risk older teens and emerging adults. J. of Drug Educ., 42(2), 195-210, 2012 |
65 | Sun, P., Johnson, C.A., Palmer, P., Xie, B., Arpawong, T.E., Unger, J., Rohrbach, L.A., -Spruijt-Metz, D., & Sussman, S. Concurrent and Predictive Relationships Between Compulsive Internet Use and Substance Use: Findings from Vocational High School Students in China and the USA. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9(3), 660-673, 2012. |
66 | Sussman, S., Arpawong, T., Sun, P., Spruijt-Metz, D., & Rohrbach, L.A. Prevalence and co-occurrence of addiction among former alternative high school youth. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2(Suppl), 32-33, 2013. |
67 | Barnett, L., Spruijt-Metz, D., Unger, J.B., Rohrbach, L.A., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. Bidirectional associations between future time perspective and substance use among continuation high-school students. Substance Use & Misuse, 48(8), 574-580, 2013. |
68 | Pokhrel, P., Herzog, TA.., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sussman, S. Acculturation, social self-control, and substance use among Hispanic adolescents. Psychol. Addict. Behav. 27(3), 674-686, 2013. |
69 | Sussman, S. A lifespan developmental-stage approach to tobacco and other drug abuse prevention. ISRN-Addiction, 2013, 19 pages, 2013. |
70 | Little, M.A., Spruijt-Metz, D., Pokrhel, P., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sussman, S. Predicting self-initiated marijuana use cessation among youth at continuation high schools. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 4, Article 69, 7 pages, 2013. |
71 | Pokhrel, P., Sussman, S., & Stacy, A.W. Relative effects of social self-control, sensation seeking, and impulsivity on future cigarette use in a sample of high-risk adolescents. Substance Use & Misuse, 49(4), 343-351, 2014. |
72 | Sussman, S., Arpawong, T., Sun, P., Tsai, J., Rohrbach, L.A., & Spruijt-Metz, D. Prevalence and co-occurrence of addictive behaviors among former alternative high school youth. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 3(1), 33-40, 2014. |
73 | Lisha, N.E., Grana, R., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., Spruijt-Metz, D., Reifman, A., & Sussman, S. Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood in a sample of continuation high school students. Eval. Health Prof., 37(2), 156-177, 2014. |
74 | Sussman, S., Pokhrel, P., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Spruijt-Metz, D. Prevalence and co-occurrence of addictive behaviors among former alternative high school youth: A longitudinal follow-up study. J. Behavioral Addictions, 4, 39-40, 2015. |
75 | Arpawong, T.E., Sussman, S., Milam, J.E., Unger, J.B., Land, H., Sun, P., & Rohrbach, L.A. Post-traumatic growth, stressful life events, and relationship with substance use behaviors among Alternative high school students: A prospective study. Psychology & Health, 30(4), 475-494, 2015. |
76 | Nguyen-Rodriguez, S.T., Lisha, N.E., Spruijt-Metz, D., Sun, P., Rohrbach, L.A., & Sussman, S. Coping mediates the effects of depressive symptoms on sleep problems. Am. J. Health Behav. 39(2), 183-190, 2015. |