Setting: Project TND was designed for implementation in a classroom setting by a trained teacher or health education specialist. However, some community-based organizations have adapted the program for use in a community setting with trained facilitators.

Target audience: Project TND targets high school youth, ages 14 to 19. The program has proved successful when implemented in traditional and alternative (continuation) high schools, with students from different socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds from urban, suburban and rural geographic locations.

Implementation schedule: There are 12 classroom-based sessions, each of which is 45 to 50 minutes in length. The program was designed to be implemented over a four-week period (3 sessions per week). However, if needed, it can be implemented twice a week over a six-week period under the condition that all lessons are taught in order.

Delivery method: The program content is intended to be delivered using the socratic method of teaching by eliciting questions among students for interactive entire-class discussions. Additionally, three of the 12 sessions include the option to deliver program content with the use of small groups.

Program materials: For effective implementation, each facilitator will need a TND Teacher’s Manual (curriculum) and a TND game board (available for purchase or download). Each student served will need a TND Student Workbook.

Additional information: Each of the program sessions is highly participatory and interactive. The sessions provide opportunities for interactions among students with each other and the facilitator.

We know that Project TND works when it is implemented with fidelity. In order for the program to be effective, all of the sessions must be taught. In addition, the sessions need to be delivered as written in the TND Teacher’s Manual, utilizing the content and instructional techniques that are specified.